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My k6-based testing framework

Updated: Jul 29

This week's post is going to be my k6-based framework - where I have spent almost a month from setting up the first step to improving its code, adding useful features, and finally made a whole complete "good" framework (imo 😄). Before getting started, I would like you to have a look at this first:

What you would get from that:

  • Performance testing types.

  • Installing k6.

  • Run basic test with k6.

  • Using parameters in command line.

  • Modifying scripts for more complex scenarios.

  • Using check and threshold for defining expectations.

With all features inherited from k6 and some others added, my framework has:

  • Support many performance testing types (Load, Soak, Stress, Spike, ..).

  • Cloud execution with different load zones (Asia, EU, US, Canada, ...).

  • Multiple reports exported (JSON, HTML, XML).

  • CI integrated (CircleCI, Github Actions, GitlabCI, Bitbucket Pipelines) with set of configuration examples.

  • InfluxDB + Grafana Dashboard for result visualizing using Docker Compose.

  • Visual regression testing supported.

  • Convert Postman/JMeter to k6 tests.

  • And everything from k6.

Long story short, they are all here:

Feel free to comment down below your suggestions/questions. I will try to answer them and improve this framework day by day.

395 views2 comments


The idea is great, you did awesome job to put together as a complete end 2 end solution.

Tuyen Nguyen
Tuyen Nguyen
Dec 18, 2023
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Hey, Thanks for leaving comment. Feel free to use it and provide me your feedbacks 😁

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